The Ph.D programme is a post-graduate programme focussed on original research, which generally results in publications in premier conferences or journals. Students usually study some courses in the first few semesters (course work required can vary based on student background), and finally dedicate themselves completely to research. These courses are the same as the the set of electives offered in the corresponding M. Tech programme.Techno India University (TIU) offers PhD programme for a huge number of engineering disciplines namely Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Bio Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Food Technology, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Information Technology, Bio Medical Engineering and others. Besides Engineering, TIU also offers PhD programme for Science and Management post-graduates. This academic programme is of 5 years. Strenghened by its sound research base and state-of-the-art infrastructure, TIU provides its PhD students some fabulous facilities such as studying and working under nationally and internationally renowned researchers, actively participating in research conferences, seminars and workshops overseas, etc.TIU offers PhD in two forms - in independent form and in integrated form. The integrated form of PhD is a new innovative course offered by TIU which combines Mtech programme and PhD programme in each and every Engineering, Science and Management course taught at TIU. The broad objectives of these PhD programmes is not only to keep pace with the expanding frontiers of knowledge but also to provide research training relevant to the present social and economic objectives of the country. TIU also encourages research in interdisciplinary areas through system of joint supervision and interdepartmental group activities. The presence of a strong research oriented faculty provides excellent opportunities for such programme.TIU undertakes sponsored research and development projects from industrial and other organizations in public as well as private sector.


 The mission of the doctorate degree programs is to nurture a research-propelled, technology-enabled and industry-linked higher education platform so as to achieve a seamless integration of intellectual strengths with current market needs as well as to develop niche capability required to bolster research efforts in futuristic science, technology and other disciplines. The doctorate programs are offered with the emphasis on practical and real-world applications in both the course work and the doctoral thesis requirements.


 The doctorate degree programs emphasize both mastery in subject matter as well as an understanding of related research and research methodology for professional-oriented projects/theses. The objectives of the doctorate degree programs are to:

 a) Disseminate advanced knowledge in science and technology, by providing teaching and research facilities in such branches of learning as it may deem fit, particularly in emerging areas and such areas as may emerge in future.

 b) Undertake inter-disciplinary studies and research.

 c) Take appropriate measures for innovations in teaching and learning processes.

 d) Create an ambience for learning and scholarship in advanced science and technology.

 e) Educate and train manpower in scientific and technological fields.

 f) Establish linkages with industries in India and outside India for the promotion of science and technology.

 g) Collaborate, in appropriate areas in the field of science and technology, with reputed universities and institutions in India or outside India.

 h) Promote research in science and technology and management having a bearing on social, economic, cultural, intellectual and academic upliftment as well as welfare of the people.